Sunday, October 28, 2007

a nice Quietwater paddlesports article in the paper

Quietwater Films received a very nice bit of newspaper coverage today. Here is a pdf of the article that was written by Brian Lavendel and published in the Outdoors section of the Wisconsin State Journal.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

a test run on a high definition video website

Prior to discovering Vimeo this week, I had not heard of high definition online video.
So I uploaded a rough cut to see what online high def video looks like. I think it looks great. This rough cut clip is taken from a canoe design segment of our upcoming tandem canoe movie. If you view this clip, be sure and click the "full" icon in the lower right corner of the Vimeo page. That will give you the HD screen.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Google Earth and the mysteries of a KML file

Google Earth is a free desktop application. It is a Google "thing" and can be freely downloaded to your own computer. I've been messing around with it and recently produced my very first KML file (Keyhole Markup Language) that will show you an aerial view of Lake Wazeecha, which was the subject of our first "pleasant place to paddle" column in our newsletter.
Please note that for the link to work and the KML file to open, you first need to have downloaded Google Earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

canoeing with our dog

We added a quick little podcast in iTunes, on canoeing with your Dog. Darren's dog is "Gracie". He offers some notes on what he did to get Gracie comfortable in a canoe. Here's a link to the Quietwater Films podcast and here's a link to the online video piece of canoeing with your dog.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

tandem canoe movie on the Wisconsin River

This weekend we will be starting our third DVD/movie. This one will cover tandem
canoeing. Shooting will take place on the

Wisconsin River
and at

Devil's Lake.